We help b2b companies enable and sustain growth.

We helped clients in 20+ countries on 4 continents boost their stagnant growth rates to over 20% on average.

We design and implement strategies that help SMEs accelerate and manage their growth through improved focus and disciplined execution.

What We Do

  • Enable data-driven decision-making, leading to improved focus and ROI

  • Help boost performance of domestic and international sales channels

  • Improve conversions and success rates in sales & marketing funnels

  • Mentor high-potential employees and help them achieve full potential

  • Act as trusted advisors to owners, executives, and team leaders

Our clients typically ask us to:

  • We are known for our proprietary framework for objective benchmarking of sales performance, leveraging our extensive market databases and global experience.

  • We regularly perform process reviews, recommend improvements, and support implementations, including mentoring for the key roles in the sales and marketing funnel.

  • We use efficient and actionable methods for strategic planning which build off our project experience with some of the most successful SME in their niches.

  • We prefer to be involved in strategy implementation, because we recognize that implementation is critical for achieving the results our clients expect.

  • We closely support our clients' teams by providing mentoring that is tailor-made for their high-potential employees and customized training where needed.

  • We regularly support our clients in their efforts to acquire, sell, or facilitate a merger with a competitor.

  • We have global experience in assisting clients with negotiating commercial with channel partners, end-customers, and joint-venture counterparts.

Our Services


In addition to helping us develop our strategic plans, Vlad was extremely helpful to keep us on track with the implementation and we were able to grow much faster while maintaining a lean team.

– CEO, Industrial Tech

  • Choosing our battles and deploying resources in an efficient way has not been easy. He enabled our teams to focus on specific geographic areas and most attractive industries, which allowed them to increase their sales while keeping resources under control. I have not yet seen such ability to get my managers engaged and focused...

    – Managing Director, Asia-Pacific

  • Personally, I find working with Vlad educational, uncomplicated, and fun. He is trustworthy, driven and endlessly energetic and produces work of the absolute highest quality. We routinely present his material directly to our company’s top corporate leadership without alteration...

    – Managing Director, Americas

  • In my 15 years as the President, I have worked with many business consultants and marketing agencies. I have never encountered anyone that can match Vlad’s ability to take sales / marketing data and overlap it with business performance to create the tools and planning needed to break through growth barriers.

    – Owner / President, Engineering Services

Contact Us.

We’re located in Montreal and available to work around the world.